The Great London:
Breaking News: Neanderthals killed off by diseases from modern humans, claims study
Chanel Islands: Jersey was a must-see tourist destination for Neanderthals for over 100,000 years
Forensics: Five things you can learn from a Roman skeleton
Human Evolution: Monkeys are seen making stone flakes so humans are 'not unique' after all
Indigenous Cultures: First estimate of Pygmy population in Central Africa reveals their plight
Genetics: Obesity in humans linked to fat gene in prehistoric apes
Forensics: Intricate animal and flower tattoos found on Egyptian mummy
Genetics: Scientists sequence ancient British 'gladiator' genomes from Roman York
Genetics: DNA analysis reveals Roman London was a multi-ethnic melting pot
Forensics: Slavery carried bilharzia parasites from West Africa to the Caribbean
Indigenous Cultures: Brazil land grab threatens isolated tribes: activists
Early Humans: Modern humans out of Africa sooner than thought
Forensics: Palaeolithic remains show cannibalistic habits of human ancestors
Breaking News: Complex genetic ancestry of Americans uncovered
Forensics: New research to shed fresh light on the impact of industrialisation
Genetics: Genes for nose shape found
Genetics: First fine-scale genetic map of the British Isles
Indigenous Cultures: Unique social structure of hunter-gatherers explained
Europe: Skeletal marker of physiological stress might indicate good, rather than poor, health
UK: 750-year-old skeletons will give picture of medieval Aberdeen