The Great London:
Natural Heritage: Scientists call for new conservation strategies
Natural Heritage: Sampling species' DNA trails is leading to better environmental monitoring
Oceans: Chemicals threaten Europe's killer whales with extinction
Natural Heritage: More infectious diseases emerging because of climate change
Human Evolution: Monkeys are seen making stone flakes so humans are 'not unique' after all
Natural Heritage: Epoch-defining study pinpoints when humans came to dominate planet Earth
Natural Heritage: First global analysis indicates leopards have lost nearly 75 percent of their historic range
Uganda: Conservationists 'on the fence' about barriers to protect wildlife in drylands
Natural Heritage: Global wildlife populations decline by 58 percent
Natural Heritage: Sprinting towards extinction? Cheetah numbers crash globally
Oceans: Rising carbon dioxide levels stunt sea shell growth
Genetics: A 100-million-year partnership on the brink of extinction
Natural Heritage: Bitter chocolate: Illegal cocoa farms threaten Ivory Coast primates
Oceans: Major shortfalls identified in marine conservation
Oceans: First evidence of deep-sea animals ingesting microplastics
UK: More than one in ten UK species threatened with extinction
Natural Heritage: Fate of turtles, tortoises affected more by habitat than temperature
Rainforests: Logged rainforests can be an 'ark' for mammals, extensive study shows
Natural Heritage: Discovery of young family gives hope to world's rarest ape
Natural Heritage: Ancient Chinese archives track decline of rare apes