The Great London:
Natural Heritage: Sampling species' DNA trails is leading to better environmental monitoring
Evolution: Sex cells evolved to pass on quality mitochondria
Genetics: Obesity in humans linked to fat gene in prehistoric apes
Genetics: Scientists sequence ancient British 'gladiator' genomes from Roman York
Evolution: Rooting the family tree of placental mammals
Genetics: DNA analysis reveals Roman London was a multi-ethnic melting pot
Forensics: Slavery carried bilharzia parasites from West Africa to the Caribbean
Genetics: Mummies from Hungary reveal TB's Roman lineage
Breaking News: Complex genetic ancestry of Americans uncovered
Genetics: Genes for nose shape found
Genetics: First fine-scale genetic map of the British Isles
Oceans: Rising carbon dioxide levels stunt sea shell growth
Genetics: A 100-million-year partnership on the brink of extinction
Near East: Face of 9,500 year old Neolithic man from Jericho reconstructed
Evolution: Scientists reconstruct largest ever family tree of major flowering plant group
Genetics: Tweak in gene expression may have helped humans walk upright
Polynesia: Forensic analysis of pigtails to help identify original 'mutineers of H.M.S. Bounty'
Genetics: Scientists propose new evolution model for tropical rainforests
Evolution: Life as we know it most likely arose via 'long, slow dance'
Evolution: Divergent climate tolerances play crucial roles in how species evolve