The Great London:

  • My Friend and Bodyguard from London

    My Friend and Bodyguard from London

    The English Bulldog

    The English Bulldog refers to a short-haired breed of dog (subgroup molosses & mastiffs). The standart refers to the breed of bodyguards and companion dog. The English bulldog was bred in the second half of the 19th century, based on the breed of an old-English bulldog. The English Bulldog has a strong character and is considered the national dog of England.

    The English Bulldog, long time was known as aggressive and fearless «dog VS bull», but today it's the just respectable decorative dog. Loyal & intelligent dog, he is perfect as a companion. The Bulldog appreciates a permanent human attention. Dogs of this breed is considered as a dominant, though, tend to behave safely (except castrated males).

    The English Bulldogs establish a strong bond with his family. Always faithful to one owner and ready to defend it interests. Good-natured, and, with a quiet mind — he gets along well with other dogs and pets. The English bulldogs are smart, well trainable, but very stubborn and lazy, so — I wish you patience, a potential dog owner. Anyhow, the English bulldog is the great friend and the loyal bodyguard.

    Respectable Dog from England
    True English Bulldog
    Best English Bulldog
    My English Bulldog
    The English Dog
    The Dog from England

    Helen, thanks for photos!

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